Using performance results, we can compare these two cards.
This is the comparation radar graph of NXP JCOP 21 V2.2 36K and Infineon SPA1-1 ThothTrust Edition.
The values closer to 100% represent the times close to the fastest result among all tested cards, whereas values close to 10% suggest slower performance in the corresponding algorithm. Value of 0%(NS) indicates a lack of support or occurrence of unexpected error during the tested algorithm.
Support | NXP JCOP 21 V2.2 36K | Infineon SPA1-1 ThothTrust Edition |
ALG_SHA_256 MessageDigest_doFinal() | No | Yes |
TYPE_AES LENGTH_AES_128 ALG_AES_BLOCK_128_CBC_NOPAD Cipher_doFinal() | No | Yes |
TYPE_AES LENGTH_AES_256 ALG_AES_BLOCK_128_CBC_NOPAD Cipher_doFinal() | No | Yes |
TYPE_AES LENGTH_AES_128 setKey() | No | Yes |
TYPE_AES LENGTH_AES_256 setKey() | No | Yes |
ALG_EC_FP LENGTH_EC_FP_256 KeyPair_genKeyPair() | No | Yes |
KeyPair_ALG_EC_FP KeyBuilder_LENGTH_EC_FP_256 Signature_ALG_ECDSA_SHA Signature_sign() | No | Yes |
KeyPair_ALG_EC_FP KeyBuilder_LENGTH_EC_FP_256 Signature_ALG_ECDSA_SHA Signature_verify() | No | Yes |
ALG_EC_FP LENGTH_EC_FP_256 ALG_EC_SVDP_DH KeyAgreement_generateSecret() | No | Yes |
TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE LENGTH_RSA_1024 ALG_RSA_NOPAD Cipher_doFinal() | No | Yes |
TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC LENGTH_RSA_1024 ALG_RSA_NOPAD Cipher_doFinal() | No | Yes |
TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE LENGTH_RSA_2048 ALG_RSA_NOPAD Cipher_doFinal() | No | Yes |
TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC LENGTH_RSA_2048 ALG_RSA_NOPAD Cipher_doFinal() | No | Yes |